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DW ClinicalMart, a single EDC/CDMS system with all Data management functions in clinical trials-extensive data cleaning, full query management, protocol deviation management, batch processing, whose input is from data collection directly into the EDC system; protocol deviation identification and management; source data verification integrated with data management. The development of this modern EDC/CDMS system reduces error-prone data reconciliation issues and allows faster, real-time access to clean clinical data.
DW ProtocolM, a organized protocol for life sciences where scientists can define structured nested steps for an experiment where  more reliable/accurate/error-free protocols can be defined. This development will make scientists define structured format of experiments instead of protocols in text based formats.
DW LabManager, a electronic module where scientists can log/document the experiment results in formats needed and also data can be integrated with other analysis/reporting systems.
DW SampleM, a rich GUI for life sciences where sample can be tracked including creation, location and approval process.
DW MobilePat, a Mobile patient information tracking system developed to work on Iphone and Android devices where patients have more control of their overall healthcare information/records/medications etc. 
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